Saturday, August 25, 2007

Blew, Blue, Bleu your mind.

Everyone loves adult sodas. My personal favorite for the purpose of hydration while shredding, CL. CL now comes equipped with future technology that not only allows for a better tasting beverage, but also alerts the consumer as to the temperature of the golden liquid goodness within! Bravo, Pete C. Always taking it one step further, this revolutionary temperature gauge is fashionable as well! When the adult soda has reached optimum temp. of enjoyment, you will notice the beautiful depiction of the rocky mountains on the container will turn BLUE. BLEW. BLEU your mind right the fuck off. Yes indeed. This will come in handy for all of you who partake in SHWAA, as the process will unfold in front of your eyes, leaving you and your friends from Vista to say nothing more than "brah, this is some good shit". So, next time you and your homie Steve are headed out to shred Troll Canyon, or even Mutant Village, consider a 30 box of CL as your navigational device. We'll just call 'em TIMTOM. Plus, your fat homie that films and doesn't rip will be that much more psyched about following you over and over while you try that one switch heel line, pushing MONGO. Welcome to Adult Soda y'all. No Sticks. No Seeds. No Babies. Im Serious.

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